Cyber Age Ethics for Transactional Lawyers - Recording no longer available as of December 30, 2021
Date & Time
Thursday, December 9, 2021, 12:45 PM - 2:00 PM
Lenné Eidson Espenschied, JD - Next Level Contracts

Got ethics? This program will explore ethical issues in the Cyber Age from a transactional lawyer's perspective. Using the ABA's Model Rules of Professional Conduct and recent legal ethics opinions as guides, we'll consider sticky situations that often arise in the course of negotiating and drafting contracts, like these:
- What is required for "competent" representation?
- What amounts to “reasonable efforts” to protect client data in an era where hacking is considered a “when” and not an “if”?
- What is “Cloud Computing,” and is it ethical?
- Is a service like Amazon Web Service immune from hacking?
- If a lawyer required to notify clients when a hack occurs?
- What is a lawyer’s responsibility for client property when a disaster occurs?
The following ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct are discussed: 1.1; 1.4; 1.6; 1.15; 1.16; 5.1; and 5.3.
*The recording of this session will only be available for two weeks following the Summit, until Thursday, December 23, 2021.