Drafting the Ideal Parental Protection Trust
Date & Time
Tuesday, July 31, 2018, 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Shifts in the long-term care insurance market have spawned new insurance products that are rapidly gaining momentum, such as life-insurance based products with hybrid and traditional models to cover long-term care. These policies offer life insurance coverage combined with the ability to use the full death benefit during lifetime to cover long-term care costs. Due to their popularity, ElderCounsel has designed the Parental Protection Trust to take advantage of the changing marketplace. Learn how to draft the ideal PPT and create the optimal plan for clients taking advantage of the new products.
Louis Pierro, JD, Brian Albee, JD
Session Type
Breakout Session
Course Focus
Elder Law
Credit Type
Eligible CLE Credits
CLE Eligibility
Eligible for CLE credit