Exhibit Booth

Get your message in front of hundreds of estate planning, elder law, and business law attorneys.

Estimated attendees: 500+
Location: Bellagio Tower Ballroom Exhibit Hall

This participation level secures your booth in the exhibit hall. Exhibit space is limited, and prime location is assigned to sponsors. Exhibit space is expected to fill up quickly, so early registration is recommended. This package includes:

  • 2 booth passes
  • 8' wide by 8' deep exhibit space
  • One 6' table
  • Two chairs, waste basket, identification sign
  • Listing on Symposium website with a hyperlink
  • Listing on Symposium App
  • Participation in Symposium sponsorship game
  • Inclusion of logo in on-site video loop

Additional booth passes will be available for a cost of $600 per pass.

The attendee list is only provided with certain sponsorship packages and is not provided with the Exhibit Booth package