Global Wealth, Local Solutions: Estate Planning for Clients with International Ties
Date & Time
Wednesday, September 25, 2024, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

The United States enjoys the status of being one of the world’s greatest financial and tax havens. Individuals from around the globe invest in U.S. assets such as real estate, businesses, and financial securities. Additionally, many noncitizens and nonresidents own second homes in the United States and have family members residing in the United States. This presentation will familiarize advisors with the income, estate, and gift tax issues triggered when foreigners have U.S. investments or when they wish to transfer assets to U.S.-based family members. Solutions and tax structures to avoid adverse tax consequences will be discussed.  Americans with assets abroad confront legal complexities with respect to U.S. and cross-border tax and non-tax issues.  The presenter will discuss what these complexities are and how to navigate them. 

Learning objectives:

  • Tax traps for the unwary when dealing with international and non-citizen clients
  • How non-citizens and non-residents are affected by U.S. tax laws
  • Structures to mitigate adverse U.S. income, estate, and gift tax consequences
  • Trusts in the cross-border context and how they are impacted by U.S. tax laws
Trusts & Estates