Blueprint for Success: 5 Critical Components of an LLC Operating Agreement
Date & Time
Wednesday, September 25, 2024, 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM

Too often business clients end up without specially tailored operating agreements, and those agreements work until someone reads it. That someone might be the IRS or opposing counsel in a lawsuit.  This presentation will teach you how to customize the operating agreement to fit various circumstances, how to add asset protection features, and other drafting means to ensure your bespoke final product is the absolute best it can be. 

Learn tips related to:
1.      drafting specific to the tax classification of the LLC
2.      creating management structures to prevent disputes between members
3.      identifying and drafting incentive interest provisions to fix “service partner” issues
4.      planning for and drafting around future sale issues using put and call options
5.      adding buy/sell agreement language
6.      building asset protection provisions 

Business Law