Asset Protection for the Average Net Worth Client
Date & Time
Wednesday, September 25, 2024, 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM

In today's ever-evolving financial and legal terrain, Asset Protection has emerged as an indispensable pillar of estate planning, extending its significance beyond the realm of high-net-worth individuals to encompass those with more moderate wealth. This paradigm shift underscores the evolving societal norms and heightened expectations surrounding the safeguarding of assets against unforeseen risks and liabilities.

This inspiring talk will delve into the shift in mindset among both clients and planners when considering how to integrate asset protection when drafting an estate plan for clients traditionally not considered high net worth.

Doug will lead an exploration into a myriad of topics, including exemption planning, optimal business structures, and estate planning tools that serve dual purposes as asset protection mechanisms. Additionally, he will review the more advanced asset protection tools such as Domestic Asset Protection Trusts (DAPT), Foreign Asset Protection Trusts (FAPT), and innovative hybrid trusts like the Bridge Trust®, demonstrating their relevance and applicability to the average net worth clientele.

Attendees can expect to depart with actionable insights, poised for immediate implementation within their practice. These insights will empower WealthCounsel members to extend a measurable level of asset protection to a broader spectrum of clients while enriching traditional estate planning strategies.

Trusts & Estates