Enjoy increased exposure and interaction with Symposium attendees.

Estimated attendees: 500+
Location: Bellagio Tower Ballroom Exhibit Hall
Limit: 3

As a silver sponsor, you will have additional opportunities for your brand and message to reach Symposium attendees. These sponsorships are very limited, and are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis (with additional considerations outlined in Notes About Sponsor and Exhibitor Space), so early registration is recommended. This package includes the following:

  • 10' wide by 10' deep Exhibit Hall space with pipe and drape
  • One 6' skirted table
  • Two chairs, a waste basket, and an identification sign
  • Company logo placed among sponsor logos on Symposium website with a hyperlink
  • Inclusion of logo in the WealthCounsel member eNewsletter promoting Symposium
  • One-quarter-page ad in digital WealthCounsel Quarterly magazine that will be distributed to attendees
  • Four booth passes
  • One push notification through the Symposium app
  • One post from WealthCounsel on behalf of sponsor in Symposium app activity feed
  • Preferred listing in the Symposium app exhibitor's section
  • Priority listing on the Symposium website exhibitor's page
  • Participation in Symposium Passport Game
  • Special recognition of sponsorship in opening and closing sessions
  • Inclusion of logo in onsite video loop
  • Post-event registration list to send one email or print communication to attendees after Symposium

Additional booth passes will be available for a cost of $600 per pass.