Full Name
Craig Hersch
Job Title
Florida Bar Board Certified Wills, Trusts & Estates Attorney, CPA
Sheppard Law Firm, P.A.
Speaker Bio

Craig R. Hersch is a National Practice Development Expert who created innovative trademarked processes tied to his estate planning and administration practice, including The Family Estate & Legacy Program™ and The Estate Settlement Program™. Through the creation of The Freedom Practice™, Hersch licenses these cutting-edge systems to help attorneys around the nation better serve their clients and make their practice rise above others in the quickly changing and highly competitive legal marketplace.  

His practice development expertise is showcased in Trust & Estates Magazine, a national trade journal for attorneys, CPAs and financial advisors, he also writes a national column on their website, wealthmanagement.com.  

Moreover, he hosts three podcast series geared towards estate planning professionals, clients and trust administrators, and he authors a weekly estate planning column published in Sanibel’s Island Sun newspaper which appears on his firm’s blog at www.sbshlaw.com/blog. Hersch is a Florida Bar Board Certified Wills, Trusts & Estates attorney, CPA, and has an entrepreneurial background as a founding shareholder and director of a private state-chartered trust company in Fort Myers, Florida.  

As a law partner with Sheppard, Brett, Stewart, Hersch, Kinsey and Hill, PA, he is the author of four books, Common Cents Estate Planning (2014), Legal Matters When a Loved One Dies (2015), The Florida Residency & Estate Planning Guide (2016) and Selecting Your Trustee (publishing in 2017). His work appears in several professional journals, including The Practical Tax Lawyer, Trusts & Estates Magazine and The Florida Bar Journal. A graduate of the University of Florida, Hersch provides his expertise as a featured lecturer at continuing education programs sponsored by the Florida Bar, the Florida Institute of Certified Public Accountants and The National Business Institute.  

Since 2005, Hersch has participated in The Strategic Coach®: an international entrepreneurial coaching program based in Toronto and Chicago, creating business and marketing strategies he successfully implements into his law practice. His uniquely varied background in law, accounting, tax and finance enables him to deliver high-energy, dynamic speeches that provide lawyers, CPAs and financial firms with valuable information to apply in their own practices. 

In his free time, Craig enjoys various outdoor recreational activities such as bicycling long distances, swimming, boating, and hiking. He is married to his wife Patti, and they have three daughters: Gabrielle, Courtney, and Madison, and two sons-in-law, Benji and Philip. 

Craig Hersch