Hotel Information – We have booked a block of rooms at $189/night. 

Please note the room block closes on August 29, 2018
To make your reservations, please click here


Special Pricing – For WealthCounsel and ElderCounsel members, the September 20–21, 2018, Foundations Workshop is $3,995 (for two people), and a $500 materials charge for each additional person. If you would like to have more than two people attend, please email memberservices@weathcounsel.comWe encourage you to bring team members! 

Another Foundations Workshop for 2018 is being scheduled for later in the year – call or email for details. 

888-637-3055 or


Please note: Pricing for the Foundations Workshop will increase to $7,995 in the Fall

To get your best value – register today!